3 Healthy Time Habits
Most of us have felt we don’t have enough time in our day to get it all done. We feel hurried and that we are missing really being present to experience the joy of simple moments. Each of us has a relationship with time. And if we’re honest, most of us don’t feel it’s a good one. If this is you, try these three suggestions to start establishing healthy time habits and to walk towards a better relationship with time.
Prioritize your tasks. Start each day by listing the tasks (whether on paper or in your head) that need to be completed. Then prioritize each one. If you’ve made a written list put numbers by each item so you can clearly see the order they need to be accomplished in. Tackle the most important tasks first, moving down the list to the less important ones.
Take breaks. It may seem counterintuitive, but taking breaks throughout the day can actually improve your productivity. Most of our attention spans are conditioned to need a shift in our concentration, even for a few minutes. Try taking short breaks to move around, get some fresh air or relax your mind. This will help you stay focused when you return to the job at hand.
Set boundaries. Setting clear boundaries can help you maintain a healthy balance. Prioritize turning your phone off at dinner and in the evenings to protect your time with family and friends. Schedule times for yourself throughout the day. Say no when you don’t have time instead of trying to cram more in. Boundaries allow you to use your time effectively and wisely rather than feel overloaded and stretched too thin.
Time might be one of the toughest relationships in our lives. And yet, it will never leave us (and we can’t leave it). So, it’s our job to continue to work on our relationship with time. The good news is, just a few small changes can dramatically improve how you interact with each day.