4 Signs You're Stuck in a Pattern of Hurry
Hurrying has become a well accepted, and dare I say normal, speed in which many of us move through our days. It has become so common that sometimes it’s hard for us to even recognize that we are hurrying. Instead it just seems that we are all expecting to move through each day jumping from one thing to the next with no time between. Maybe you’re asking yourself, “How do I know if I’m stuck in a pattern of Hurry?” Below are just a few signs that you might be stuck in a pattern of Hurry.
You’re distracted. It’s common to get distracted when you feel pulled in several different directions.
If you feel distracted try slowing down and focusing on what you are doing in the moment.
You’re usually doing more than one thing. Multitasking can be helpful but it can also increase our feelings that we need to rush and accomplish more.
If you’re trying to do too many things at once try making a list of the order you will do your tasks for the day. When you’re tempted to multitask stop and focus on the task at hand.
Stillness scares you. There isn’t one right speed to live our lives by and some of us gravitate toward action more than stillness. That’s not a bad thing. But it’s also good to slow down and be still. If you’re drawn to action try:
a meditation app
taking 5 deep breaths when you feel hurried.
setting a timer for 10 minutes of quiet stretching.
Look for small ways to incorporate stillness into your day without feeling overwhelmed.
You can’t say no. When we are in a cycle of hurrying it’s easy to continue to add more to our plate. Instead of pausing to consider different requests and opportunities we simply say yes to everything. Try saying “no”. This one simple word will start to make room for you to break the pattern of hurry in your life.
While the pace of society seems to speed up with every passing year, that doesn’t mean that we must adopt this mentality when it comes to our relationship with time. We can break the cycle of hurry that might be present in our weeks. One day at a time.