What does success look like to you? I was running this morning and was thinking about what success looks like in my life. I have dreams, just like most of you out there. Some dreams change during seasons of my life, some stay constant. Having three kids under 5 doesn't always afford me the time to work effectively towards my dreams, or at least that's how it can feel.
Recently, I've had some opportunities come up. They aren't BIG things. They are people in my life asking me to help them. But the things they are asking me to hep them with are important and meaningful to me. I want to write the book that is going to make a difference and mean something to people. But truthfully, it's not going to happen quickly.
But editing my sis-in-law's business proposal and being asked to help with a ministry at church are tangible ways I can continue to work towards my dreams. These tasks aren't going to get me accolades. They are behind the scenes work. And yet, doing them well is important.
Success doesn't mean fame. Success doesn't mean more followers, likes, popularity, wealth, etc. Success is doing what you are meant to do WELL. Success is showing up to your life daily and appreciating all the opportunities. You may live a successful life without the world knowing it. And that is better than OK, that is good.