Mer Rugby Stripe dress on Rust Stairs


Welcome to my blog. I'm so excited to share with you my latest finds and feels. 


   This table! If you've been watching my stories you know I became obsessed with this table, made by Ben this weekend. When he first told me he wanted to make this table and showed me sketches I was skeptical. I know he's talented. I know h

This table! If you've been watching my stories you know I became obsessed with this table, made by Ben this weekend. When he first told me he wanted to make this table and showed me sketches I was skeptical. I know he's talented. I know he is capable. But I just didn't see the vision. It wasn't my vision for what I wanted.

As is recommended in marriage even though I didn't see what Ben saw, I supported him in his endeavor. What a surprise when it was finished... I LOVE it!

This got me thinking. There are so many times I don't have the same point of view as those around me. Whether it's Ben, my children or a friend, it can be easy to get stuck in my own perspective. Just think how many beautiful backyard tables I've missed out on because I was more concerned with what I wanted over supporting someone else's vision.

