Mer Rugby Stripe dress on Rust Stairs


Welcome to my blog. I'm so excited to share with you my latest finds and feels. 

He is

He is

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7

I’m anxious today. There are things I want to get done and for some reason rather than simply start on one of the many things on my list my mind continues to drift. Each time I start a project or task my thoughts tempt me to look at what I’m not doing, rather than what I am. In these times when my thoughts swirl and divide and I feel pulled in all directions I wish there was just a button to push or a switch to flip. If there is such an option, I haven’t found it yet. So instead in these moments I look at the anxiety rather than avoid it. Because the truth is my anxiety is trying to make me look at everything else so that it can grow while I’m distracted. But when I stop shifting my gaze to the things on my list or the worries in my day and I face the fear or restlessness that is haunting me, I am able to stop denying my feelings or fear and instead start identifying the truth of the moment I am in.

Looking at my anxiety tethers it, holds it still. And then I bring it to God. In times of worry or stress or anxiety I have to remind myself that the worry about getting everything done, or the fear of the unknown or whatever else is causing stress in my life isn’t my redeemer. My redeemer isn’t asking me to do it all in the right order. My redeemer is waiting for me to recognize that HE IS, no matter what else moves in my life.

He is. He is He is. I repeat the words to myself in the thick of the worry and distractions. Little by little I remember that it won’t all get done but that’s OK. Even if I don’t really feel it’s OK. It will be.

Parenting is Hard

Parenting is Hard

Grace in Motherhood

Grace in Motherhood