Control within Change. Is it possible to have control within change? In some ways yes, although it’s not actually control of the change. We can control our reaction. We can control our participation.
In a world that is constantly changing around me I have learned how to create structure habits that help me feel balanced even in the face of change. I have created a short list for myself of things I can do daily that I know when I do them I will feel accomplished, centered and relatively in control. It’s also no accident that these activities naturally boost my mood as well.
The first is exercise. I work out for the endorphins much more than any body image I’m attempting to reach. Even at 8 months pregnant I still need to do some form of physical activity daily to balance my mind. I’ve learned that if I can get a workout in, no matter what else the day throws at me, I tend to react much more positively.
The second is time in the word. As a creature of habit, I’ve created a structured quiet time for myself: study/read the word, write down any thoughts that come from that time and then time in prayer and reflection.
Do these two activities take all stress away when change presents itself? No. But they do allow me a sense of accomplishment, control and preparation for whatever might be ahead. Ultimately I can’t stop change from coming, but I can find other ways within my day to create accomplishment, predictability and centeredness.
What makes you feel accomplished and prepared to face change?