Mer Rugby Stripe dress on Rust Stairs


Welcome to my blog. I'm so excited to share with you my latest finds and feels. 


    No picture is without deception. Whether it’s a smile flashed, despite hard life circumstances or an angle that makes you look 5lbs thinner (or not pregnant), there is always an imperfect representation in our pictures. It’s a replica, i

No picture is without deception. Whether it’s a smile flashed, despite hard life circumstances or an angle that makes you look 5lbs thinner (or not pregnant), there is always an imperfect representation in our pictures. It’s a replica, it is not real.⁣

I love pictures, they capture memories that are precious. But the second we let our pictures define our reality, we have lost. Two pictures taken back to back can show two completely different people. And that’s the magic of it all.⁣

I can’t help but try and check myself whenever I get too hung up with how I look in a photo. Whether I look better than usual or worse, I have to remind myself that neither picture changes the reality of who I really am.⁣

