Mer Rugby Stripe dress on Rust Stairs


Welcome to my blog. I'm so excited to share with you my latest finds and feels. 


   There are so many things throughout our day that impact our decisions and outcomes. There are moments we can control and those that are beyond our grasp. And yet, in each moment we have a call to action. Whether it’s in our attitude or ou

There are so many things throughout our day that impact our decisions and outcomes. There are moments we can control and those that are beyond our grasp. And yet, in each moment we have a call to action. Whether it’s in our attitude or our actual course of action, we have a choice.

I’ve been having one of those weeks. I’m tired, unmotivated and I can tell I’m easily irritated. My son hasn’t been doing well at bedtime (again), I spilled my full Starbucks (in the sink of all places), I’ve just been running behind each day by about 5 minutes.

In all of these moments (and others that aren’t listed) I have the choice to react out of irritation or to dig in. I’m trying to dig in. I’m trying not to let the frustrating action cause an even worse reaction. And it’s been hard. Sometimes I’ve succeeded, others I’ve failed.

In thinking about this week I have asked myself this question: What does it look like to not react? What does it look like to not let the frustration drive my response but instead to choose to stay the course. To continue towards my goal. To act as I desire.

