What happens when we don’t wait well? We start to take things into our own hands. We make decisions outside of God’s plan. We make mistakes. Sometimes it’s hard to know if you are waiting well or not. And God can absolutely use our mistakes, he even knows we are going to make them before we do. But it can sure make life harder.
Have you lost track in your waiting? Have you settled for something that is less than what you are waiting for? It’s easy to abandon waiting for a compromise. And the truth is there is no guarantee. I know women who are lovely inside and out and have not met their husband. I know women who yearn for a baby and cannot get pregnant. Sometimes there is an end to our waiting. Sometimes there is not.
The truth is we spend our lives always waiting on something, whether it’s a spouse, baby, career, friendship or anything else. If we can find a way to embrace the waiting, we will be able to make patient decisions rather than impatient compromises.