Stop Trying to Do It All
When we find ourselves in a season of trying to take on more than we can actually successfully accomplish it’s important to re-evaluate our strategy. Trying to do it all is a popular notion in today’s society but the truth is, none of us are designed to do it all alone. In fact it’s our need for help that actually builds community as well as a stronger relationship with God.
Be Intentional
Instead, when you find yourself in a season of taking on too much in the effort to “do it all”, consider trying this antidote—be intentional. When we walk through our days without intention we tend to continue to pile more on our list and expect we should be able to do it all. Also, wondering why we are overwhelmed and overworked and feeling like a failure. Start your day clearly identifying the must do tasks and focus on those. Maybe it looks like creating two lists: 1. Must do today 2. When I can.
The Great Thing About Lists
When you start your day with a list it helps you prioritize when new things pop up. When something unexpected shows up that has to be addressed, you can easily add it to your “must do” list. But, it also helps you identify when things can be saved for another time. Clearly labeling the tasks in your day allows you to not get overwhelmed. It helps you keep your focus. And it empowers you to resist trying to do it all.
You Aren’t Designed to Do it All
While it’s tempting to believe what popular culture is telling us‚ that we should be able to do it all we must remember the message of our faith. God is in control. God has already done it all. Our limitations are exactly what draw us closer to our creator. They are what keeps us dependent on his perfect providence over us. Our needs are what allow for intimacy with those around us. Instead of looking at your inability to do it all, remember that it is a gift.