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Welcome to my blog. I'm so excited to share with you my latest finds and feels. 

In Search of Community

In Search of Community

Acts 2:42-47 And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.

Community. Another word I continue to think about as I enter into this new year. Community took a hit with the pandemic. Suddenly it became harder to gather. And even as things started to open up again it became hard to navigate others comfort levels.

As someone who tends to be a bit of a hermit I have to admit it was sort of easy to let community fall by the wayside over the past months. But I hear the call of community in the upcoming months. And even as I whisper the word to Ben as my mind wanders on a Sunday morning in church I know there is something ahead.

What should community look like when you are in your thirties or forties and taking care of children and working and keeping the family running on schedule? With less time to invest in community how do you still foster it? I’m still feeling more questions than answers when it comes to seeking community—but I’m hoping to find the answers in this upcoming year.

And then I come across Acts 2 as I search the Bible for examples of community and I’m faced again with the releasing of things in the creation of community. So I’m back to pondering if my cleaning out of all the things that go unneeded and unused—the abundance—in my life is connected to the preparation for community ahead.

Day by Day

Day by Day

Letting Go

Letting Go