I’m one of those people who is good enough at most anything I try. I’m good enough to get by but not great. Match that with a healthy curiosity about everything and it has lead me to try may pursuits. Sewing is one of those pursuits.
This skirt came about because I saw a similar one on someone else the other day. I knew the skirt they were wearing was out of my budget and with lots of fabric on hand I thought “I can do that”. So I did. The creative process leading to this skirt was filled with mistakes and thoughts of quitting. I’m not a quitter, but I also have time anxiety when things feel like they are taking too long. I pushed through to find this skirt.
Don’t look too closely, after all, I’m just good enough at sewing, not great. It took me a while to accept feeling average at most things. And then I met people who were great, even exceptional at something. Those people are often unrecognized for their talent. There is no blanket understanding of where success comes from. There is only an attempt to mix talent, passion and hard work.
Don’t let being average stop you from pursuing whatever it is you are dreaming of. Let good enough, be good enough.