Mer Rugby Stripe dress on Rust Stairs


Welcome to my blog. I'm so excited to share with you my latest finds and feels. 


   Without a doubt it is a different holiday season this year. My temptation is to dwell in the disappointment that different has brought me. The missed traditions. The deflated expectations. The loss.   But then I think of things that

Without a doubt it is a different holiday season this year. My temptation is to dwell in the disappointment that different has brought me. The missed traditions. The deflated expectations. The loss. 

But then I think of things that different has brought into my life. The different family I discovered when I married Ben and was welcomed by his loved ones. The different foods I tried when traveling in Turkey and Egypt. The different role of my body when I became a mother. 

I am tempted to label different as my enemy, when in fact some of the best experiences of my life have been a result of different. 

Different is where opportunity is born. What will you do with it? 

For more reflections on the different holiday season this year download my free 5 Day Holiday Devotional!

