This picture perfectly displays my worst nightmare. I can't stand a mess. I am the mom who cleans up toys as my kids are playing with them. I avoid things like paint, play-doh, coloring... All crafts in general. It's just not my thing.
Messy mothering is my kryptonite. This past weekend, despite all my clean, orderly, type A tendencies I pulled out the paper, markers (shudder), scissors and my laminator.
The result was marker smeared on the counter, stickers on the floor and if you look closely a dishwasher that I didn't get to empty. It was the opposite of efficient time management. It was not clean or orderly. And the ultimate result was FUN.
Messy Mothering is not my thing, and I applaud all those mothers out there who can do it well (and without twitching). Maybe the activity was successful because my kids weren't used to me digging into our art supplies. Maybe it was successful because kids LOVE making creative messes, I mean artwork. Either way I had to document the monumental moment of embracing the mess.