Mer Rugby Stripe dress on Rust Stairs


Welcome to my blog. I'm so excited to share with you my latest finds and feels. 


   What if we stopped focusing on the happy ending? What if we stopped worrying about where we would end up? What if instead of rushing to the destination we simply rested in the moment.  I'm so quick to make the list and just want to get to

What if we stopped focusing on the happy ending? What if we stopped worrying about where we would end up? What if instead of rushing to the destination we simply rested in the moment.

I'm so quick to make the list and just want to get to the part where every item is checked off. Sometimes my urge to reach the happy ending makes me miss the journey, the here and now. There's nothing wrong with looking forward. But when the horizon becomes more important than the ground beneath my feet and the people standing around me, I'm missing the best part.

