Mer Rugby Stripe dress on Rust Stairs


Welcome to my blog. I'm so excited to share with you my latest finds and feels. 


   As I said yesterday, I challenged myself to make a list of (at least) three things I like about myself. It was uncomfortable at first but much to my embarrassment once I really started digging in I found myself liking lots of things. I de

As I said yesterday, I challenged myself to make a list of (at least) three things I like about myself. It was uncomfortable at first but much to my embarrassment once I really started digging in I found myself liking lots of things. I decided to attempt to share my top three this week. ⁣

DISCIPLINED. I am good at setting a goal and working towards it. Whether that be working out, eating well, keeping an organized home… ⁣

I actually did this exercise with my husband on our Valentine’s home date night. We each shared our own strengths and checked in with each other to see if they were accurate. When I said disciplined to him he said that he would absolutely list this as my number one strength. We are both first born children. We are both goal setters and planners. But interestingly this plays out very differently for each of us. And as we talked more we realized that while my husband will get things done under a deadline he is admittedly not disciplined. ⁣

I point this out not to highlight a fault of his but to draw attention to how our individual strengths can build up those around us. My strength can bring light to areas he wishes to be more disciplined. It can also support him, just as their are other areas he can support me with his strengths. ⁣

If you didn’t yesterday, can you identify at least one strength in yourself today? Spend some time seeing how that strength can help those around you. ⁣

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